Blog Entry #4

The idea of “rags to riches” has been a central idea in America since the early beginning. People from all over the world would travel here to get a chance at the “American Dream”. The thought of working from the bottom to the top. In Cinderella she goes from rags to riches by magic and marriage. On the realistic side of things, I’m not sure quite how realistic reaching riches by magic in the real world is because it’s simply impossible. However, reaching riches by marriage is much more common in today’s society . We call them ‘gold diggers’ . You see it quite a lot in celebrities with young wives especially when the age gap is quite significant. Some rare cases can be done out of love but mostly it's for the money. The rich person usually goes along with it as well because they get something out of it such as some nice arm candy. I think people can most certainly reach success and riches by marriage but not by magic. In Cinderella’s case of course, she reached the succ...