Blog Entry #1

When I saw this course as an FYS option, I immediately was shocked. Was McDaniel looking at my search history…? Because not only weeks before, I had been obsessed with searching up the true versions of fairytales on YouTube. Seeing the grim (pun intended) and morbid truths behind the now glorified Disney tales. How something so twisted could turn into something so pure? So, to literally be able to delve deeper into the true fairytales was immensely intriguing to me. One fairytale that really hooked me into the Grimm versions was Cinderella. The fact that the stepsisters cut off their toes and heel. They feet were bleeding as they rode away on the horse and it wasn’t until the crow told the prince to check that he realized. And on top of that, to punish them, the crows pecked their eyes out until they were blind. To me that version is much more interesting than them simply trying on the slipper and accepting it didn’t fit.

 In this course, I hope to accomplish a deeper understanding of a true college course and the amount of work that goes with it. I also hope to learn more of the true backstories that go along with different fairytales and to be able to discuss and investigate deeper why and how Disney altered different ones as well.

My favorite fairytale when I was younger was Beauty and the Beast. I had loved the color of Belle’s dress because it wasn’t the typical girly pink. It was this soft, beautiful yellow. Along with the fact that she was a fellow brunette. I guess I can’t remember much else of why it was my favorite other than the admiration of her looks. I’d say it was also my favorite because of the romantic and ‘true love’ aspect but tis the same with all princess tales. I don’t have much of a good explanation on necessarily why Beauty and the Beast was my favorite fairytale growing up other than it just was.


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