The Greek myth “Cupid and Psyche” came before “The Frog King”
and even though they are extremely different, there are some similarities between
the two. The first similarity is in the beginning of the story, they talk about
the youngest daughter who is beautiful and loved by all. Another similarity is
the parent figures. In “The Frog King” the king tells his daughter that she
must keep her promise to the frog. In “Cupid and Psyche”, Psyche’s parents make
her go to the mountain and await her fate. In both stories, both parents make
their child do the right thing and own up to the consequences whether they be
good or bad. Finally, the last similarity the share is a happy ending. Psyche finally
becomes untied to cupid and the frog turns into a handsome prince. While the stories
at heart are quite different, they still share some common similarities.
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