Blog Entry #10

Rapunzel cartoon
By: Erin Gillespie Cartoons

I found this cartoon online and thought it was funny. In the cartoon, it shows three separate windows with three separate braids coming down with the caption “Rapunzel keeps her options open” implying that three different princes could climb up instead of just one. In the fairy tale, one prince is lucky enough to find the tower and climb up and meet the princess, although she is weary of the intruder at first, she ends up falling in love with him just because he’s the only other human she has seen in years and happens to be handsome. I think it’s an interesting idea though is what if he wasn’t handsome? What then? Maybe she could have three different choices to choose from. This cartoon puts a modern-day spin on relationships and dating connected to Rapunzel. Today, you don’t just fall in love with whoever climbs in you window, you explore different people and date around until you meet the right one. This cartoon illustrates that through Rapunzel. I thought this cartoon was ironic and a very funny take on the Rapunzel fairy tale.


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